9 research outputs found

    Beauty today – natural or acquired

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    Since antiquity beauty has been one of the main aims of mankind. We have a great variety of options for reaching it, some of them completely harmless and others a bit more radical. Provoked by the outburst of role models we decided to check whether they actually have any influence. The goal of our research is to determine the public attitudes about aesthetic procedures. The subjects of our online survey are 244 women between 15 and 65 years of age, from all over Bulgaria. According to a significant part (65.16%) a “pretty woman” is the one who takes care of her natural look and no one appears to include plastic surgery in this definition. More than the half of them (52.87%) would not change anything and more than one quarter (26.64%) consider there is a huge marketing manipulation about the eventual consequences. Mostly young ladies are willing to go for aesthetic manipulations and a small but an important part of them (4.26%) admit they aim to attract the attention of others. Whether this propaganda has any impact on the society, the possible presence of any vulnerable groups and whether we have enough information about all the procedures on the market are among the questions we will try to answer with our research

    Strategic Outline of Public Engagement in the Development of Sustainability Research Policies and Programmes : Findings of the CASI Project

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    CASI’s major objective is to develop a methodological framework for assessing sustainable innovation and managing multidisciplinary solutions through public engagement in the research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) system. This paper provides insights and input for the last cycle of strategic programming of Horizon 2020 (2018 – 2020) and demonstrates the added value of public participation when looking for solutions to societal challenges and sustainability concerns. To that end, it presents some of the major results and insights gained from the implementation of two particular engagement approaches within CASI, namely citizen panels in 12 EU countries and an online survey with relevant experts and stakeholders

    Production of 30 National Summary briefs : Deliverable 2.5

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    This document (ENERGISE D2.5) provides an overview of national energy and supply dynamics across 30 European countries. The Deliverable encompasses reviews of the current state of the art and existing trends in national energy policies, energy systems and energy campaigns in each of the 30 countries. To enhance accessibility and engagement with the material, the information gathered is presented in 30 independent National Briefs

    Catalogue of existing good practice examples of programmes and interventions : Deliverable 2.1

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    This document (D2.1) provides an overview of the extensive data that has been collected on sustainable energy consumption initiatives as part of Work Package 2 (WP2) in ENERGISE. The deliverable provides a general introduction to the scope and objectives of WP2 specifically, as well as a short introduction as to how sustainable energy consumption initiatives are defined in ENERGISE. In addition, a full list is provided of 1000+ sustainable energy consumption initiatives that have been identified throughout Europe

    Die Sprach-Checker: Der Wörter-Sammel-Koffer oder die Eule und ihre neuen Freunde aus der Neckarstadt

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    Wie die Eule erkunden große & kleine Sprach-Checker ihre Neckarstadt-West. Kommt mit auf Entdeckungsreise! Das Buch „Der Wörter-Sammel-Koffer“ ist ein Werk der Sprach-Checker. Es entstand im Rahmen des Projekts „Die Sprach-Checker - So sprechen wir in der Neckarstadt“ (Leitung: Dr. Christine Möhrs & Elena Schoppa-Briele) des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kinderbuchautorin und Illustratorin Anke Faust, dem Campus Neckarstadt-West, den Neckarstadt-Kids sowie der Alten Feuerwache Mannheim. Aus den vielen witzigen Ideen der Kinder entwickelte sich die Geschichte um die Eule, die anschließend mit Wasserfarben, Farbstiften und viel Phantasie von den Sprach-Checkern illustriert wurde

    Die Sprach-Checker: Der Wörter-Sammel-Koffer oder Eule Elli & ihre neuen Freunde aus der Neckarstadt

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    Wie die Eule Elli erkunden große & kleine Sprach-Checker ihre Neckarstadt-West. Kommt mit auf Entdeckungsreise! Das Buch „Der Wörter-Sammel-Koffer“ ist ein Werk der Sprach-Checker. Es entstand im Rahmen des Projekts „Die Sprach-Checker - So sprechen wir in der Neckarstadt“ (Leitung: Dr. Christine Möhrs & Elena Schoppa-Briele) des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kinderbuchautorin und Illustratorin Anke Faust, dem Campus Neckarstadt-West, den Neckarstadt-Kids sowie der Alten Feuerwache Mannheim. Aus den vielen witzigen Ideen der Kinder entwickelte sich die Geschichte um Eule Elli, die anschließend mit Wasserfarben, Farbstiften und viel Phantasie von den Sprach-Checkern illustriert wurde